'정글에서 살아남기'보다 더 어려운 일은 '제대로 놀기'가 아닐까? 보드게임 하나 사려다 통상 달인이 될 처지다. 아마존은 정글이 맞다. 2월 13일에 주문했던 Monopoly Night Sky가 환불된 후 3월 23일에 재주문한 동일 제품마저 반송되었다. 먼저는 필자가 i-PARCEL에 주민번호를 제공하지 않아 벌어진 일이었다면, 이번에는 i-PARCEL의 착오 내지는 실수이다. 주민번호 입력용 링크를 보내온 이후 아무런 안내가 없더니 아마존으로 바로 반송해 버렸다. 낯선 종족에게 기습(?) 당한 느낌이다. 다음은 아마존에서 보내온 메일들이다.
1) 4월 9일 04시 43분 :
We wanted to let you know that we received your return for your order ***-*******-*******.
If you're due a refund you'll receive another e-mail confirmation shortly.
See our return policy for our returns timeline at www.amazon.com/help/returns
We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only e-mail address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
2) 4월 9일 06시 21분 :
We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of KRW116,764 for your Order ***-*******-*******.
This refund is for the following item(s):
Item: Monopoly Night Sky Quantity: 2 ASIN: B003HC9I0G Reason for refund: Customer return
Here's the breakdown of your refund for this item:
Item Refund: KRW77,747 Shipping Refund: KRW39,017
We'll apply your refund to the following payment method(s):
******* Credit Card [expiring on **/****]: KRW116,764
We've processed a refund for the above order in the amount of KRW116,764. The refund should appear on your account in 2-3 days if issued to a credit card. Refunds issued to a bank account typically take 7-10 days to reflect on the account balance.
Have questions about our refund policy? Visit our Help section for more information:
We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Amazon.com We're Building Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company http://www.amazon.com
Note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only e-mail address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
두 번째 메일을 받은 어젯밤 http://www.amazon.com/refunds에 접속하였다. Contact Us를 클릭하면 담당자에게 메일을 보낼 수 있어 상황을 설명한 후, 다른 방법을 통한 배송을 필자가 할 수 있는 한 정중하고 절절하게 요청했다. 12시간 내에 답장을 보내 주기로 되어 있으며, 오늘 아침에 확인한 메일은 아래와 같다.
적서로 변환한 첫 번째 내용을 보면 구매자 책임이 아닌 경우가 나열되어 있으며, 두 번째 적서 문장에서는 재주문 시 특송 선택 후 주문번호를 알려 주면 배송비를 받지 않겠다고 쓰여 있다. Monopoly Night Sky를 손에 쥐게 되면 대대손손 가보로 물려주겠다. ㅡㅡ;
3) 4월 10일 06시 41분 :
I'm sorry; your order #***-*******-******* was returned to us by IPARCEL as undeliverable on April 6. The shipping address on this order was:
Yong gwon Kim
*******, Korea, Republic Of
We've processed the return and requested a full refund on April 8—you'll receive a separate e-mail confirmation when the refund is complete.
For additional refund confirmation, check your e-mail or the order summary in Your Account.
Unfortunately, we're unable to re-ship returned packages.
Regrettably, some packages are returned as undeliverable through no fault of the customer. Occasionally, one of the following situations may occur:
- The label may have become smudged or torn in transit, so that the carrier no longer had a complete shipping address.
- The carrier may have accidentally delivered the package to an incorrect address (an address other than what was on the shipping label).
While we do not have any further information about your package, you can find some common reasons for undeliverable packages here:
If you still want the items, please place the order from direct Amazon.com or items fulfilled by Amazon.com with priority shipping method and write back the order number so that we'll refund or waive off the shipping charge.
Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
In addition to our large selection, one of the benefits we try very hard to offer our customers is convenience. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience you experienced in this case.
We look forward to seeing you again soon. |